Elephantos Reviews with

White Haze otomatik çiçek kenevir tohumu

White Haze otomatik çiçek kenevir tohumu

White Haze auto-flowering cannabis seeds are derived from the Cannabis Cup winner White Haze. This crossed seeds are selected on their power and potential. seeds are very easy to grow and specifically suitable for sunny, warm places. Inside the White Haze grows to a good workable height of 120 cm under normal circumstances. At the end of the bloom it gives  a sweet spicy smell. You want to smoke him immediately.
Buy White Haze auto-flowering cannabis seeds in our seed shop. If you do not want to auto-flowering, buy Lemon Haze feminized cannabis seeds.

cannabis seedsGenetics: Indica/Sativa/Ruderalis hybrid

cannabis seeds Flowering: 45-65 days

cannabis seeds Harvest: August/September

cannabis seeds Yield: 80 gram bitki başına

cannabis seeds Height: Medium/Large

cannabis seeds Effect: wonderful euphoric high

cannabis seeds THC: strength to 15%

cannabis seeds Amount: 5 seeds / 10 seeds

A good start begins with our germination manual.

For these seeds we recommend Easy Growing Plant Nutrition Sativa.

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