Elephantos Reviews with

Marijuana Hydrophonics

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Marijuana Hydrophonics
A complete introduction to growing marijuana without soil

"This book is a compact introduction to the technology of growing marijuana without soil."
--George Cervantes.

Marijuana growers are developing high-tech methods for getting high yield crops. MARIJUANA HYDROPONICS: High-Tech Water Culture is an excellent guide to growing without soil. This book has all the information needed to set up a system using nutrient solutions in controlled environments. Topics covered include:

  • Lighting for growth and budding
  • Mineral nutrients
  • Nutrient Flow Technique (NFT)
  • Water Culture and other techniques
  • Atmosphere control
  • Temperature factors
  • Vegetative and reproductive growth
  • Rockwool as growing medium
  • Harvesting and curing hydroponic crops
  • Computer controlled growth chambers

Marijuana Hydroponics also contains equipment lists, diagrams and step by step instructions for assembling a home made state of the art high yield water culture growing system.

Paperback - (December 1987) 126 pages

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