Elephantos Reviews with

Cocaine Snorter with Blade

Cocaine Snorter with Blade

About the Cocaine Snorter with Blade

This nifty axe may seem like it was designed for miniature knights, but it’s actually a valuable addition to any full-sized weekend warrior’s arsenal.

The cocaine snorter with a blade is designed to use both for cutting and sniffing powder. Having a single dedicated tool for these actions is much more hygienic than using a bank card and rolled up the bill, both of which can carry a variety of pathogens and cause infections. Made of durable stainless steel, this tool is easy to clean and will last you forever with proper maintenance.

The total length of the tube is 6.4 cm and its business end is rounded for maximum sniffing convenience. The blade itself is not sharp to prevent accidental cuts, it’s rather the width of a bank card.

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