Elephantos Reviews with

stone cheap chillum

stone cheap chillum

Length: 10.5cm

Weight: 52 grams

What is a Chillum:
The Chillum is a kind of narrow funnel made of clay, wood, stone and other materials. The funnel can only be used for smoking when it has a filter stone inside it or the smoking substance will fall right into your mouth. To avoid burning your hands the Chillum is being smoked through a cloth.

Originally there was only the clay chillum made from fired clay but now there are also wooden chillums, stone chillums and glass chillums. It is thought to originate in India, although they were also found in South America. The Chillum is special as its origin is purely spiritual. The holy men from India, the Sadhu (Hindu Priests), have been smoking their Chillums for thousands of years. Smoking a Chillum for a Sadhu is like drinking red wine for a catholic priest. In the sixties the Chillum started being used in Europe and America by the Hippie movement.

Smoking small Chillums brings hot smoke directly into your throat. The larger the pipe, the colder the smoke gets, and the more smoke you'll get in your lungs. The more smoke you'll get, the more of off your head you'll get... For a more mellow smoke, pick a smaller one. Smoking a Chillum is always better than smoking a joint: it's faster and you don't need any tobacco.

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