Elephantos Reviews with

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

About Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

This seeds where used by the poorer Hawaiians for a high, this high is a less intense LSD psychedelic experience.

Specific details about Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

Family: Convolvulaceae
Genus: Argyreia
Species: Nervosa


LSD-like effects, but less intense and less visual. However some users may experience a hangover. Other effects: mood lift, feelings of insight, open- and closed-eye visuals, general change in consciousness, altered perceptions, changes in perception of time, anxiety, nausea, gas, vomiting (common), dizziness, confusion, paranoia, fear, and panic (infrequent, more common with higher doses). The trip lasts 6-8 hours; tranquil feelings may last an additional 12 hours.

Quantity of 1 portion

10 seeds


The average dosage is 4 to 8 seeds. Some users advise to take no more than 2 or 3 the first time. The seeds must chewed for as long as possible as the active substances are absorbed by the body's saliva, this way you will have an LSD like feeling. Because use is oral, onset is affected by the last food that was ingested (try not to eat 4-6 hours before you eat the seeds).

Here is a recipe to let the seeds work more efficiently

  • Remove any remaining husk and cut the seeds up in small bits with a knife or pair of scissors They can also be pulverised in a coffee grinder.
  • Put them in a cup and pour half a cup of hot but not boiling water on them. It is best to use distilled water as tap water and mineral water contain minerals which can diminish the effect of the seeds
  • Leave for at least 1½ hours for the water to cool down to room temperature. The alkaloids dissolve in the water at a certain temperature that is reached at some time during the cooling process.
  • Drink the water together with the seeds.

Buy now in our online smartshop our psychedelic Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds for a nice trip!


Not suited for pregnant women because it contains substances (ergonines) that are uterus stimulating,Do not take if you have a history of liver disorders, Do not drive motorized vehicles or operate machines after taking Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds!

Shipping restrictions:
We do not ship this product to: Australia, United States, United States Minor Outlying Islands.

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