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Kratom bali powdered Kratom bali powdered (by fernando)
Date Added: Wednesday 10 December, 2008

10 grams made into a tea..Special relaxation,floor seem to move..,a bit of nausea if you stand up.....

Super Skunk cannabis seeds Super Skunk cannabis seeds (by johann)
Date Added: Tuesday 02 December, 2008

my seeds come to my door 9 days after they leaved elephantos. I live in the amazon, brazil :) th..

Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit (by Richard)
Date Added: Saturday 22 November, 2008

It took one month then I had a few mushrooms. I hope Ill have the full harvest. Now when the mushroo..

Trip-e Trip-e (by Jessica)
Date Added: Wednesday 12 November, 2008

took 2 and fell sick.. vomited and couldnt sleep felt nothing man, no effects =(

Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit (by Keith)
Date Added: Thursday 23 October, 2008

Yippppeee!!! My grow kit came today, very nicely concealed and in perfect condition,,, My only c..

Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit (by sergio)
Date Added: Wednesday 22 October, 2008

Really great service and good-quality product. I have not tried this grow kit but tried other mushro..

Sanpedro cactus Sanpedro cactus (by Gustav)
Date Added: Sunday 05 October, 2008

The delivery was perfect. came a guy to my front door 3 days after i ordered it. and the cactus was..

Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit (by omar)
Date Added: Friday 03 October, 2008

Hello everybody. This growkit is very usefull and work so good. Thanks Elephantos 5/5

Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit Psilocybe Cubensis Grow Kit (by andreas)
Date Added: Wednesday 24 September, 2008

Really great service and good-quality product. I really love this kit super the mushrooms keep po..

z growkit mexicana a z growkit mexicana a (by Richard)
Date Added: Wednesday 10 September, 2008

For a cuople of times, I saw things move. Its matters potential to move that shows in illusion. I lo..

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (by Keith)
Date Added: Monday 08 September, 2008

I took 5 seeds, 3 first and then 2 about 20 mins later, chewed them up good. It took about an hour ..

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds (by nick)
Date Added: Wednesday 03 September, 2008

hmmm,, this stuff is another kind of psychedelic xperience ,, from 2 seeds and the boiled water , me..