Melatonin pills have really helped me sleep better I started taking them a few months ago and they have made a big difference
I used to have trouble falling asleep and would wake up many times during the night
Now I fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer which makes me feel more rested in the morning
The pills are easy to take and don't taste bad I usually take one about 30 minutes before bed and it helps me feel calm and ready to sleep
The first few days I didn't notice much change but after about a week I could really tell the difference I don't feel tired in the morning which
I was worried about before trying melatonin
My mood has gotten better too because I'm getting better sleep and I have more energy during the day
It's also helped with my anxiety making me feel calmer and less stressed I've read that melatonin is natural so it feels safer than other
sleep aids I've tried before I also like that it's not addictive so I don't have to worry about needing it all the time One thing
I would say is to make sure you get the right amount for you I started with a small dose and then changed it as needed
It might take a little time to find what works best for you but it's worth it in the end I also try to go to bed at the same time every night
which seems to help the melatonin work even better Overall I'm really happy with the results and
would reccomend melatonin pills to anyone who has trouble sleeping or just wants to sleep better
It's made a big difference in my life and I'm glad I tried it