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philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis)

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philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis)

The psilocybe tampanensis growkit is so simple you only have to harvest it.
Philosopher stones is a special kind of psychedelic mushroom this strain is capable of producing, besides mushrooms the so called sclerotia also known as stones or truffles.
Our kits do not produce the mushrooms!

Instructions for philosopher´s stones growkit:

This Elephantos growkit contains a sterilized substrate, into which the mycelium of Psilocybe Tampanensis is already injected and the lid contains a bacteria.

You really don't need to do anything, there are only a few things to care of:

  • Keep the temperature around the jar between 20-24°C or 68-77°F
  • Make sure it is placed on a clean spot, not above the heating and not in direct sunlight
  • Check the injection date on the jar, count 4-5 months further from that date, you than calculated the harvest date.
  • Do not open the jar before this harvest date, than harvest all at once

Note: After 4-5 months you will notice that the sclerotia will stop growing. The substrate is exhausted. Now the jar contains the maximum of weight in scletoria, which are ready to be harvested!

Quantity for 1 philosopher's stones growkit:

1 growkit should give you a harvest of at least 60 grams of fresh scletoria, truffles

Usages of Philosopher's stones, psilocybe tampanensis, truffles:

Never consume more than 8 grams of fresh truffles, when you are not a frequent user (yet) do not use more than 4 grams.

To buy ready to eat truffles or for more information about the effect or usage please have a look at our Elephantos psychedelic philosopher´s stones !

Shipping restrictions:
We do not ship this product to: Australia, United States, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Spain.

Ecrire une critique sur ce produit
philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis) par mauricette

sa i est jai ouvert le bocale pour le recolter jai récolter 53gr de truffe fraiche dont une truffe q..

philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis)
philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis) par mauricette

2ieme commande recu nikel rien a redir date dinjection encor juillet nikel je recolte demain juste b..

philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis)
philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis) par mauricette

jai recu le coli 5jr ap avoir payé par carte bancaire un colis discret le pot c un bocal en verre av..

philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis)
philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis) par julien

recu dans un pot en verre où il ne faut rien toucher apparement,a part le placer dans un environemen..

philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis)
philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis) par mauricette

voila jai récolter alor 3 bonne truffe de 6g a peu pré en tou 26.7 frai se nest pas exellent mé bon ..

philosopher's stones growkit (psilocybe tampanensis)

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