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African Dream Seeds

African Dream Seeds

About African Dream Seeds

The African Dream seed, also known as Entada rheedii. Is a seed native to Africa and is used in traditional African medicine to help with sleep and to induce lucid dreaming. It is believed that using the African Dream Seed helps the dreamer connect with their ancestors and the spirit world.

Use of African Dream Seeds

If you want to use the seeds to help induce more vivid dreams, there are multiple ways to do so. The first way is to eat the white inside of the seed, however, to reach the inside you first need to crush the outer shell. For this you can use a mallet or a similar tool. When you reach the inner seed you can eat it raw, the taste can be bitter.

If you would rather not chew it raw an alternative way to consume the seeds is by making a tea from the inner seed. For this method you also need to break the outer shell and chop the inside to fit into a tea infuser. Immerse the inner seed in hot water and let it steep for about 5 minutes.
The third method is to dry the inner seed and grind it up to smoke it. For the grinding you can you use a mortar. The grinded kernel can be mixed with tobacco or any other smokable herb you prefer and can then be rolled into a cigarette.

The seed should be consumed or smoked about 1 hour before you go to sleep.


The seed helps to improve the quality of sleep and helps to induce a more aware state of sleeping which can allow you to lucid dream and helps you to control and remember your dreams better.


1 seed should be enough to get the desired effect. However, you can adjust the quantity depending on how strong the effect is from 1 seed to 2 seeds.


Each bag contains 1 African Dream Seed

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J'ai essayé les graines de rêve africaines pour mieux dormir, et c'était sympa. Ces graines sont con..

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ça vaut la peine d'essayer

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Les graines de rêve africaines ont eu un impact remarquable sur mes nuits. Leur influence sur mes rê..

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