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Misty marijuana seeds

Misty marijuana seeds
weedAbout misty marijuana seeds: Misty marijuana is a short and stocky plant. The lime green bubble like leaves are thick and heavy like salad.The buds of the Misty marijuana plant are dense and covered with THC glands extending to the shade leaves. Though Misty marijuana seeds shares genes with White Widow marijuana seeds, it finishes earlier and produces tighter buds with a greater yield. Misty marijuana buds gives off a powerful musky smell, some say it is like old sweat. Unlike its near offensive aroma, Misty marijuana smokes sweet and leaves a sugar after taste in the mouth

seedGenetics: Mostly Indica

seedFlowering: 8-9 Weeks

seedHarvest: August-September

seedYield: 500 Grams

seedHeight: Short

seedEffect: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz

seedThc level: Strong 15 %

seedQuantity: 5 seeds / 10 seeds

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Misty marijuana seeds by marko rankovic

this is verry good plant 4 smoke have good yield and high THC good 4 outdoor and greenhouse 8-10 ..

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Misty marijuana seeds
Misty marijuana seeds by marko rankovic

this is verry good plant 4 smoke have good yield and high THC 8-10 weeks flowering GOOD

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Misty marijuana seeds

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DisclaimerOur cannabis seeds are intended solely for research purposes and the production of legal hemp products such as clothing. Please note that female plants may contain THC, which is illegal in many countries. Before ordering, we strongly recommend verifying that ordering, possessing, and processing these types of seeds is legal in your country. If in doubt, consult a legal advisor. These products have no medical value and should not be regarded as such. We do not sell this product to individuals under the age of 21.