By Dennis Blanc,
Last update: January 30, 2019
Active substances
The psychoactive substances in magic truffles are psilocybin and psilocin. Because the truffle
is a natural product, it may very well be that one truffle contains more active substances than
another. Our recommended dosages, therefore, are an average guideline.
Fresh dosage
You can achieve a good and reasonably strong trip using 15 grams of fresh magic truffles.
This dosage is applicable for reasonably experienced users. For beginners, we recommend
starting with half of that, so 8 grams of fresh truffles.
Dried dosage
In order to preserve the magic truffles for a longer time, you can dry them.The active ingredient
psilocybin does not decrease in strength when the truffle is dried.
To know exactly how many dried magic truffles make a good portion, you can best weigh a
portion of, for example, 15 grams of fresh truffles and let these dry. Once this portion is dry,
you weigh it again. The weight of these dry truffles equals 15 grams of fresh truffles.
The guideline for dried truffles is approximately 6 grams per strong portion for an experienced
user. We recommend a beginner to start with half of this, so 4 grams.

How to use
The best effect can be reached by consuming the truffles on an empty stomach. You will reach
the highest point of the trip, about one hour after ingestion. If the effect after this time is still to
light, you can take another 7,5 to 15 grams of fresh truffles to achieve the desired effect.
You can wash the truffles with water and eat them fresh.
Unfortunately, fresh magic truffles are not very tasty. They taste better and are much easier to
consume, when you make tea out of them.

How to make magic truffle tea for two
If you want to make a strong dose of 15 grams of magic truffles per person, measure water for
2 cups of tea, including a bit of extra water, that will evaporate while cooking, so in the end you
have enough water for 2 full big cups.
Pour the water into a pan and put 30 grams (2 x 15 grams), of magic truffles in the water and let
them simmer for about 30 minutes on a low fire (after having reached boiling point). During this
process, the active substances from the magic truffles will flow into the water.
After 30 minutes, put a teabag of your choice in the water and leave it till the strength of the taste
is to your liking. Finally add enough honey to reduce the truffle flavour and you have a perfect cup
of magic truffle tea.
You can always eat the remains of the truffles for maximum effect.
The strength of the effects can vary from person to person. But especially your mood and environment
are important. Choose therefore a relaxed environment, especially if you are not so experienced. For
example, go to the park or forest. Or in a place where you know, you will not be disturbed.
Take truffles for the first time together with someone who has experience. Don't do it with people who
don't support it. If they feel bad about your trip, they can turn it into a negative experience.
Use the truffles when you're in a good mood. Magic truffles enhance your mood. So, if you're not
comfortable with yourself, the truffles will reinforce this bad feeling. We recommend not to combine
truffles with alcohol or other drugs.
Consuming magic truffles gives a psychedelic effect. The effect is somewhat similar to an LSD trip but
much softer, natural, cleaner and less dangerous.

Duration of the trip
The trip will last for about 3 to 6 hours, before it disappears completely. Once the effect of the trip is
gone, you will have virtually no hangover. After the trip it is possible that you can still feel somewhat
unfocused and lethargic.
Characteristics of the trip
With a very heavy dosage: smelling colours, seeing sound and tasting images.

Tips for Beginners
Use magic truffles only when you're in a good mood. Truffles enhance your mood. When you are in
a negative state of mind, using truffles will reinforce this negative state of mind. Choose a relaxed
environment. So, not during a pop concert or any other place with a lot of people.
When using truffles for the first time, do this together with someone that is experienced. Do not use
truffles (or other stimulants) with people who do not support it. They can turn your trip into a negative
experience. Always start with half a portion and wait at least an hour before you decide to take more.
Do not combine magic truffles with alcohol or other drugs.
Note: Chocolate is not recommended for beginners because it enhances the effect of truffles. It can
make the effect to heavy.

Tips for advanced users
Syrian Rue seeds enhance a truffle trip. Chocolate enhances the effect of truffles. It can create a strong

The use of magic truffles is not physically addictive.
Don't use more than 1x per month
After using magic truffles, wait one month to get the same effect. The shorter the duration between two
trips, the less effect the truffles will have.

Bad trip
Unfortunately, it can also happen that a trip goes wrong, or turns into a "bad trip". In this case, the trip will
be experienced as an unpleasant and fearful experience. In most cases, this depends on the mental state
the user is in, when using truffles.
It may also occur that your "secure and trusted" environment gets compromised by an unexpected intruder.
Think, for example, of someone unexpectedly coming home and starting to yell at you. This can be hard to
cope with, in which case your trip can turn into fears. The probability of a bad trip can be greatly minimized
if you follow the advice above.

What to do in case of a bad trip?
A high dose of vitamin C (1 mg) can help. Vitamin C pills are better because they contain more vitamins than
fruit. If you don't have them at hand, you can always take fruit juice.
Do not take magic truffles if you are pregnant.
Do not use if you have psychiatric or severe mental health problems. If you have had psychosis or depression
in the past, there is an increased risk of bad side effects
One can behave recklessly while under influence. Even when the effect of the magic truffles seems to have
disappeared, the user can still feel lethargic and unfocused for up to 5 or 6 hours. So, make sure not to participate
in traffic during this time.
People who are in poor health condition and have either asthma, heart, liver or kidney disease or are on medication,
should refrain from using truffles
Where can I buy magic truffles?
Magic truffles are still for sale, and are practically the same as magic mushrooms. When a mushroom grows above
the ground, we call it a mushroom. But when it grows under the ground, it grows into a truffle but has the same
psychedelic effect as a real magic mushroom.