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EZ Test for Ecstasy

  • EZ Test for Ecstasy
  • EZ Test for Ecstasy

Why use EZ Test for Ecstasy?
This EZ Test, formerly called EZ Test Marquis, helps you to determine quickly whether a pill / powder contains: ecstasy (MDMA), DXM, 2C-B / I, DOB, DOI, methylone, (meth) amphetamine or other opiates. Unfortunately nowadays a lot of XTC-pils contain dangerous adulterants, that can cause severe side effects such as insomnia, panic attacks, nausea and even death. As a rule of thumb for testing you can stick to: if the colour doesn't turn black, throw it away!

Content EZ Test kit for Ecstasy:
1 ampoule per pack
1 instruction manual
1 colour chart

Instructions EZ Test for Ecstasy
Step 1: use a little bit of the sample to do the test (approx. 2,2mm)  
Step 2: hold the ampoule between thumb and forefinger and break off the top
Step 3: insert the sample in the ampoule and let it mix
Step 4: observe the colour reaction and compare it to the colour chart
Step 5: do not litter, avoid contamination.

Warning EZ Test for Ecstasy
The EZ Test is a quick way to identify if a pill / powder contains Ecstasy (MDMA), DXM, 2CB / I, DOB, DOI, methylone, (meth) amphetamine or other opiates. Note that the EZ test only gives an indication and can not ensure 100% guarantee. If you still have doubts regarding the ingredients after testing, you can always get it tested by an official agency. No rights or claims can be derived from using the EZ Test.

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