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Elephantos Reviews with

Coke Spoon

What Is a Coke Spoon?

A coke spoon is exactly what it sounds like—a small, handy scooper that will save you from needing to shake out your powder on a nearby surface and prepare lines.

When using a snuff spoon, you simply stick it inside your stash and take out the desired amount of powder. Each cocaine spoon can hold exactly the right amount of blow for a quick, sneaky hit on the go.

This handy cocaine spoon usually comesincluded in our snuff bottle with spoon combo. Together, these two items make carrying your powder and ripping impromptu hits easier, safer, and more convenient.

We also offer nice stealth coke spoons like our cocaine key in several colors.

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Classic Snuff Spoon

Classic Snuff Spoon
Super slim scooper spoon. 4.00 see product

Deluxe Snuff Spoon

Deluxe Snuff Spoon
Super stylish spoon. 12.95 see product

Keychain Snuff Spoon

Keychain Snuff Spoon
This snuff spoon is a mini powder scooper to take anywhere. 5.95 see product

Mini Snuff Spoon

Mini Snuff Spoon
Premium small metal snuff spoon 2.95 see product

OG Snuff Key

OG Snuff Key
Unlock the Sniff 2.49 see product

OneGee Snuff Spoon

OneGee Snuff Spoon
The classiest scooper on the market 9.95 see product

Shovel Snuff Spoon

Shovel Snuff Spoon
Powder digger spoon. 6.95 see product